
We headed out of our little town of Banff in our rental car. The Chevy Malibu we hired just happened to only have 600 kms on the clock. So we cruised through into BC and witnessed a dead bear getting put onto the back of the ranger’s truck. Very sad sight indeed, our search for a bear is still continuing though. It’s not like they just come in for breakfast of a morning if you know what I mean. Anyhow, about 5 hours later we arrive at the border, and proceeded to get asked 30 questions about firearms, narcotics, and explosives. Unfortunately not having any of the above, we proceeded into the US of A. The drive from the border down to Spokane is majestic. Lakes and valleys surrounded by mountains make way for flatlands and farms as we head into the second biggest city (behind Seattle) in Washington. We promptly headed for the local shopping mall, and then discovered that the city’s patrons are a mix of bogans, ferals and white homeboys in socks, sandals and cornrows. I managed to pick up some bargain priced New Jersey Nets gear, on sale due to the fact that nobody outside of the garden state apart from me, seems to support them!! Patricia celebrated her birthday in Aussie time and North American time which was cool!! We headed back to the hotel to get a good night sleep before the big gig…………..
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