Swinngggg Batter

So we hired a car, a Chevy Malibu. Hot. Nicko decides to take the wheel, on the left, driving on the right. I said this place was backward didn't I. We took the freeway through downtown, and descended upon Angels Stadium in Anaheim. LA Angels vs the Minnesota Twins. Photos can't do this place justice, two massive New Era Angels caps adourn the entrance. We take our seats, in right field just next to the foul pole. The Angels take an early lead but are over run momentarily by the Twins with a big 4th Inning. The game is amazing, once the sun goes down we are treated to baseball the way it should be played, big sluggin and stolen bases. At the top of the 8th the twins remain up 3-2. However, with a huge double play the Angels have a chance to tie, and do so with a single out to left field by 2nd Basemen Orlando Cabrera. So after 9, we are all tied up. The match continues until the bottom of the 11th, when another Cabrera double gets the Angels home 4-3. Between Hot Dogs, Beer (Miller), Us waving our Angels number 1 hand, peanuts, the 7th Inning stretch, and a red hot finish. The whole experience was amazing. But not to be outdone there, Angels stadium erupts into chaotic fireworks in the skies. The game of Baseball in this country is everything you expect it to be, loud, big and exciting. Lets go Angels!!!!
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